VenDairy Elita Bookem fresh!
At Ven Dairy Holsteins Ven Dairy Elita Bookem calved recently! She is a great Bookem daughter out of the Bolton sister to EmilyAnn: Anderstrup Bolton Elita! Elita Bookem start very well and will score easily VG! Elita Bookem has has genomics in Holland (+315 gNVI), the US (+2289 GTPI) and Canada (+2955 GLPI), no wonder she is contracted heavily!Elita Bookem her first two sons by Let It Snow will go in AI! Both are sold to Germany! She has daughters by Supersire, Platinum and Let it Snow. They are now in test in Germany, just like Elita Bookem herself! We expect a lot from Elita Bookem, but this family has never let us down so far!
More information: Ven Dairy familie van de Ven

Wabash-Way EmilyAnn, Shottle zus van Bolton Elita

Whittier-Farms Lead Mae EX-95