100% score for Visstein Alinde
The first calves of Visstein Alinde have been tested (3 bulls) and they all will go in AI! A red carrier Perfect Aiko with gRZG 157 will go to RUW, a full brother to CRV and a Sargeant (the No. 1 Sargeant) will go to Masterrind!Visstein Alinde is the No. 1 Hunter dochter op RZG, still has gRZG 151(reall high for her age) and also has high genomics in Amerika, Holland and Canada! Alinde has several pregs left and she will calve herself early next year!
Alinde is a member of the great Remarlinda cowfamily and she has some halfsistsre by Shotglass as well with high genomics!
Her pedigree: Hunter x VG-87 Niagra x VG-85 Mascol x VG-87 O Man x EX-90 Jocko Besne x VG-86 Gibbon x VG-87 Mountain x VG-85 Mascot x EX-91 Blackstar x EX-93 Ben x EX-93 Penstar x VG-87
More information: Visstein Holsteins (owned with Bearda, Flevo Genetics))

Visstein Alinde

Visstein Carina VG-87 (Nagra x VG-85 Mascol x VG-87 O Man x Remarlinda EX-90), moeder van Visstein Alinde

Visstein Mascol Rome VG-85, grootmoeder

K&L Romina VG-87, overgrootmoeder