Unique: VOST is the first to organize their monthly livestock auction online!

The 1115th VOST 'Zuchtviehauktion' is the first only online milking heifers auction in Europe on 11 May 2021. At this monthly auction, 131 milking 2-yr-olds and 17 jumper bulls will be auctioned. The animals will be all presented extensively in front of the camera. Anyone who's interested can bid online. This is very unique and has not been seen before.
This livestock auction can be followed via a live stream at FarmersBid.com. If you're interested you can simply watch the Zuchtviehauktion at home, behind your computer or on your smartphone. The VOST organizes the transport to the buyer. To bid, you must first register via the FarmersBid.com page. Anyone can follow the auction without obligation and free of charge, also registering is very easy. Breeders who are registered at GenHotel already have an account. If you have not activated this account or if you lost your password you can (re)set your password HERE.
Livestreaming and online bidding are part of Top Genetics auctions worldwide for years. The popularity of online auctions has intensified due to the Corona pandemic. However, this VOST Zuchtviehauktion is the first regular livestock auction that is organized entirely online, which has not been done before.
FarmersBid.com is a new online platform, which provides a bidding system (without any delay) that multiple organizations are using to organize their sale. Under the name ClipMyHorse.TV Auction, this system has already been used for hundreds of auctions in the equestrian sector.
The number of auctions which will be held online and live-online will increase in the coming years. This year there will be several online livestock auctions via FarmersBid.com, including online auctions with Dutch milking cows, later this year. So keep an eye on the FarmersBid.com website to stay informed about the lastest developments.
Are you a potential buyer of milking 2-yr-olds, interested in this auction system or do you just want to follow the VOST 'Zuchtviehauktion' live? Take a look at FarmersBid.com on May 11th! The auction starts at 10:00 AM, the preview starts at 09:00 AM.
Update and more info HERE (in German).