Great cow families at GenHotel member Willsbro Holsteins!

The Wills family in Cornwall (England) has a beautiful dairy farm with 1100 cows and young stock. Through various top purchases in the past, they have managed to build a high-quality herd with beautiful cow families. GenHotel is therefore pleased to welcome Willsbro Holsteins as a member!
Willsbro Holsteins is known for breeding strong cow families with solid pedigrees, where many generations of VG & EX are regularity rather than exception. Almost all females are tested for gTPI and the most interesting ones will be flushed.
Right now Willsbro Tropic Sharon 149 (Tropic x Condon Aero Sharon EX-91/Picston Shottle family) is with 2844 gTPI, 637 NM and +2.63 PTAT one of the highest TPI yearlings at Wills' dairy farm. Recently her dam by Delta Lambda scored a lovely VG-88 with VG-89MS. This makes her the 12th generation VG or EX in a row!
Willsbro Lambda Sharon 100 VG-88 (VG-89 MS), dam of the 2844 gTPI Tropic
One of the herd icons is Lottomax daughter Willsbro Lottomax Roxy EX-93/EX-95 FR & DS - from the deep cow family of Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97! Roxy EX-93 is the 10th generation of EX in a row! Her EDG Saturn Sender 8136 daughter Willsbro Sender Roxy 218 is for sure a potential 11th EX generation, with already a score of VG-88/EX-90 FR.
Willsbro Lottomax Roxy EX-93 (s. Lottomax) from the Roxy's. 4th lactation
Willsbro Sender Roxy 218 VG-88 (s. Sender), daughter of Roxy EX-93
Next month, on Monday 7 June at 11.00AM, the Wills family will organize a large sale with more than 100 lotnumbers. During this 'Willsbro Spring Sale 2021' both heifers and milking cows will be sold. These are some of the best animals from famous cow families, such as Ashlyn, Cosmopolitan, Lila Z and Roxy. More about this auction will follow on our website.
Check their GenHotel-page, and follow Willsbro Holsteins on Facebook & Instagram!