Successful GenHotel day 2016

Last Tuesday GenHotel organised the GenHotel day 2016 for the GenHotel members. Sire-Analyst Andrew Rutter held an presentation about the breeding program of Genus – ABS. Andrew explained that they have different indexes as not all areas and farms are the same. When selection bulls they try to use different sires to create diversity in their bloodlines. Another issue is the height of our cows. They tend to keep getting bigger and bigger but this does not gain extra money. More height, and thus more bodyweight, only costs extra feed to maintenance our cows.
Andrew Rutter
On behalf of GenHotel Martijn van der Boom held a presentation as well. He told about the German Selection Sale, which will be held on April 23 at Wilder Holsteins. Besides that Martijn explained to which countries K&L sells bulls. He also told that some of these countries have a lot of similarities in there indexes. Keeping an eye on these indexes when selection bulls will probably create more outlets.
Werler Holsteins
After the Lunch there was an excursion to (R&W) Breeders of the Year, Jacob and Anita Werler. Jacob told how their well-known Julia family came to the farm after their whole herd was culled during the foot-and-mouth disease. The “breeding power” of broodcow Julia 382 EX-92 (Stadel) is very impressive. At this moment 4 bulls out of this family are daughter proven and all of them have good breeding values. Among them off course Lowland Bolero (+260 NVI), the current #1 NVI bull in the Netherlands, and his full brothers Red Cliff (+153 NVI, #15) and Lowlands Juwel P (+114 NVI).
In Germany it is Andy son Julandy who is the #2 RZG bull at +138 RZG. His dam, Julia 389 (Moonlight x Julia 382) impressed the GenHotel members as did her Lawn Boy half-sister; Julia 388 P Red, a full sister to Bolero, Red Cliff and Juwel P. Julia 388 is the dam to the high genomic bull Janko P (Perfect Aiko) and his promising full sister Julia 412 P RDC.
GenHotel listen to Jacob Werler (2nd from the left)
Julia 389 VG-86, the Moonlight dam to Julandy (Jotan)
Netta 444, very nice Red Cliff 2-yr old from a Jotan dam
Netta 443, powerfull 3rd lactation Red Cliff daughter projected at 11.460 kg milk, 3.85% protein, LW 126+