Nr. 1 Jorben at Vendairy

WEH Bronco Janet VG-85, ggdam of Willie 4383
Vendairy Willie 4383 of Vendairy Holsteins in Vinkel is with 158 gRZG the highest of all genomic tested Newhouse Jorben (Vitesse x Epic) daughters in the German system. Her dam is a high producing Seagull-Bay Silver daughter of WEH Supersire Jasmin VG-86 and is descending from the legendary Rilara Mars Las Ravena EX-91 cow family, which has delivered numerous proven sires including Roylane Socra Robust, Westenrade AltaSpring, Jobess, Genesis, S-S-I Snowman Mayflower, Montross Duke and Montross Jedi.
Willie 4383 is actually in the flush program to fill the embryo contracts of 2 German AI-studs.
WEH Bronco Jill VG-85, full sister of WEH Bronco Janet
WEH Laudan Jessica VG-88
WEH Planet Janette VG-87, Planet x WEH Laudan Jessica