New proofs Germany

This week is the last proof run of 2018. The German proofs are published at the VIT site and you can also check them on the links below.
"Gymnast time" at the young bulls
In the list with Holstein bulls the new coming Greatboy (Gymnast x Balisto) is with 163 gRZG leading the pack, together with Gywer RDC. Gymnast sons rank really well in the German system: he is sire of 6 of the 8 highest young bulls (and 10 in the top 20). The highest polled young bull Wilder Hotspot P went up even one point (now 161 gRZG), while Riethil Summerlake maintained his genomic proof at 159 gRZG.
The Red & White Holstein list has also a new rank leader, named Caudumer Solitair P, a Mr Salvatore RDC x Balisto with 165 gRZG (6 points higher than the number 2!), bred by the Haytema family in The Netherlands, from the great Caudumer Lol family. Solitair P is not only Red and extremely high, he is also polled. The debuting Andy-Red (Anreli x Rocky) ranks now 2nd, followed by Spark-Red, the leader in August. Westcoast Styx-Red is with 9 sons in the top 20 most successful sire of sons, followed by Salvatore RDC and Pace-Red, both with 3 sons.
Big changes at the proven bulls
Also the list with daughterproven bulls shows big changes: extreme milk transmitter Visstein Harvey (Hunter x Super), bred by Visstein Holsteins and K&L, is with 153 RZG now the number 1, first release sire Barcley (Balisto x Epic) starts with 151 RZG on the 2nd spot. Murano, the August leader, dropped 2 points and is now at 148 gRZG. Three years ago the influence of Balisto was tremendous at the high genomic young sire list. Now the first Balisto sons have milking daughters and he is the prominent sire with already 6 sons in the top 20.
Schreur Apoll P Red, debuting at the first position in August, added this run another 4 points to his proof and is now at 144 RZG. Step Red (Sympatico x Observer) is also at that level, transmitting even more kgs milk than Apoll, but unfortunally lower components. Snake Red and Sunny Red maintained themselves in the top 5, Dalman dropped 3 points RZG and is now out of the top 10 in Germany.
Proofs Germany / Fokwaarden Duitsland (DECEMBER 2018)
- RZG B&W (national - proven)
- RZG R&W (national - proven)
- RZG B&W (national - proven - high reliable)
- RZG R&W (national - proven - high reliable)
- RZG B&W (interbull - proven)
- RZG R&W (interbull - proven)
- GRZG B&W (national - genomic)
- GRZG R&W (national - genomic)
- GRZG B&W (interbull - genomic)
- GRZG R&W (interbull - genomic)