Genomics News

Last week you've met the number 1 TPI!

Last week you were introduced to the R&W young bull 3STAR OH Red Ranger. With his 2914 TPI he's the number 1 TPI R&W bull wold wide!

Red Ranger has a fantastic pedigree. He's sired by the Hoogerhorst DG OH Rubels-Red and the well-known Lakeside-UPS Red Range is his dam. This mating created a great outcome!

Not only is he a front runner on TPI base, he also scores phenomenal based on:
NM 797
GLPI 3907
RZG 159
ISET 1740
PFT 4560

Soon Semex will welcome him and there will 3 STAR OH Red Ranger mean a great deal to the 3STAR Genetics breedingprogramm.

Genomics News