Introducing Jouke Holmer, intern at GenHotel.

Jouke Holmer, intern at GenHotel
In the coming period Jouke Holmer will contribute to the GenHotel team as an intern. Jouke will focus on the developments of, a new online auction platform for anyone who wants to organize an elite sale and/or livestock auction. FarmersBid is a collaboration between GenHotel, Andreas Middelkampf and ClipMyHorse.TV.
Jouke will introduce himself.
My name is Jouke Holmer, 24 years old and I live in Laren, a town in the east side of the Netherlands. I’m currently studying Agricultural Entrepreneurship Livestock Farming at the Aeres University of Applied Science in Dronten.
Together with my family I own a dairy farm with 90 dairy cows and 70 head of youngstock. Our farm name, Holbra Holsteins is quite known in Europe. The most famous cow family in our herd is clearly the Golden-Oaks Mark Prudence EX-95 family, 70% of our herd traces back to Prudence. I have developed a passion for breeding already from a young age. My father, Gerrit Holmer, and my grandfather, Henk Holmer, are real dairy cow lovers and have been in the breeding business for many years.
I've started this internship with great pleasure and expectations. I hope I can work well with the GenHotel team and that I can support the developments of as well.
I am looking forward to my internship and hope to have a good time here!
Jouke Holmer
Henk, Jouke & Gerrit Holmer