High scores for 2-yr-old Butlerview Gold Medal daughters

Jolein 16 & Marilino 5 two scored Medal daughters bred by the Nijman family
Recent classification at De Wijde Blik resulted in several high scores. Two, young 2-yr-olds sired by the America Butlerview Gold Medal both received VG scores. There was also a score upgrade for the reigning National Red Holstein Champion, De Wijde Blik Mariegold 6A.
One of the classified first milkers by Medal, De Wijde Blik Marilino 5, from the Dutch Mariegold EX-93 cow family, achieved a score of VG-88, with a maximum score of VG-89 for her Dairy Strength. She is a granddaughter of the VG-89 scoring De Wijde Blik Marilino s. Bagolino, a direct daughter of Marie 389 VG-89.
De Wijde Blik Marilino 5 - 88FR 89DS 87MS 88FL - VG-88 TOT
Granddam De Wijde Blik Marilino VG-89
De Wijde Blik Jolein 16, sired by Medal as well, also received a high score of VG-87. She is a direct daughter of De Wijde Blik Jolein 11 VG-89, who was named the Reserve Senior Champion Bissende Cow earlier this summer. Jolein 16 calved at the age of 1.09 and scored VG as soon as she hit the 2-yr-old mark.
Dam De Wijde Blik Jolein 11 VG-89 s. Altaroble
In addition to the two paternal-sisters, the current herd icon De Wijde Blik Mariegold 6a, who was the Intermediate Champion at the first Nationale Roodbont Show 2024, was also classified again. As a 2-yr-old, the Kenmore Triple Crown-Red received a score of VG-88. Now, at the age of 3.09, this show diva managed to increase her score to VG-89, with EX-90 for Frame and Dairy Strength.
De Wijde Blik Mariegold 6a (Crown-Red) awarded with VG-89!