High level classification at Zwanebloem Holsteins

Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87, granddam of nr. 709 at Zwanebloem Holsteins
Not less than 52 milking 2-yr-olds are recently classified at Zwanebloem Holsteins, the Masscheleyn family in De Panne, Belgium. A score of 84.1 points for Total Score and 84.3 for mammary indicates that the type at Zwanebloem Holsteins is at high level, definitely for this size of herd. The Masscheleyn family is investing regularly in great cow families, resulting in a much improved genetic level in the barn in recent years.
Two heifers are classified VG-87 :
► nr. 1300, Barcley x Halogen, 87-87-87-87 VG-87, proj. 10.429 kgM with 3.45% fat and 3.44% protein
► nr. 1286, Bandares x Kingboy, 83-83-88-88 VG-87, proj. 9.702 kgM with 4.16% fat and 3.58% protein
Ten milking heifers scored VG-86 :
► sires are Doorsopen, Battlecry, Megasire, Dozer, Damaris, Supershot, Monterey & Jetset
Twelve heifers scored VG-85 :
► sired by Dozer, Supershot, Franchise, Battlecry, Monterey, Chuck and Awesome-Red
Also two rescored females :
► nr. 503, AltaAvalon x Jeeves, 4th lactation, now 88-89-88-88 VG-88,
3.11 305 days 13.124 kgM with 3.46% fat and 3.53% protein
► nr. 709, Defender x Planet, 3rd lact., now 87-86-87-87 VG-87, from the Larcrest Cosmopolitan family,
2.09 305 days 14.067 kgM with 3.51% fat and 3.29% protein
Tirsvad Goldwyn Regatta VG-89, 4th dam of nr. 1286, Bandares, VG-87
Regancrest Durham Barbie EX-92,
5th dam of nr. 1288, Bandares x Kingboy, VG-86