Bulldams rescored at Caudumer Holsteins

Sietze Henk & Tjitske Haytema, admiring great type cows!
At a recent classification round at Caudumer Holsteins two cows with sons in AI have been rescored. Also 3 milking heifers are classified, including Caudumer Ebony 2, dam of several high scoring daughters in the herd.
► Beeze Judy 15 Red, a tremendous producing Poppe Snow RDC daughter out of the dam of the German top type sire Beeze Dertour Red, is rescored after 3rd calving with VG-88 and EX-91 for her beautiful udder. She is purchased by Caudumer Holsteins as a heifer at the GenHotel Selection Sale and is dam of Caudumer Pokemon P Red (s. Powerplay PP RDC), last year in the top 10 most used Red Holsteins bulls in Germany and owned by Qnetics.
► Caudumer Lol 342 P Red is a Bouw Rocky daughter straight from the proven brood cow Caudumer Lol 292 P Red VG-87 and dam of the polled mating sire Caudumer Batch P (s. Battlecry). Lol 342 is now in her 3rd lactation rescored with VG-87 and VG-88 mammary system.
► Caudumer Ebony 2 is a well balanced Bouw Finder daughter from the cow family of the legendary Rocky-Vu Rotate Extasy Ebony EX-94 family. Ebony 2, scored VG-87 with VG-87 MS, is dam of several high scoring daughters, including Caudumer Ebony 5413 RDC (s. Jacuzzi-Red), with 429 gNVI in the top 20 gNVI Holstein in the Netherlands and Flanders and in addition also red carrier.
Name | Sire x MGS | Cow family | Lac | FR | DS | MS | FL | TOT |
Beeze Judy 15 Red | Snow RDC x Malvoy Red | Morningview Converse Judy | 3 | 81 | 88 | 91 | 89 | 88 |
Caudumer Lol 342 P RDC | Rocky x Lawn Boy P Red | Caudumer Lol | 3 | 89 | 88 | 88 | 83 | 87 |
Caudumer Ebony 2 | Finder x Boss | Rocky-Vu Rotate Ebony | 1 | 86 | 88 | 87 | 86 | 87 |
Caudumer Hinke 294 Red | Haytema 285 x Applejax RDC | Caudumer Hinke | 1 | 87 | 87 | 86 | 88 | 87 |
Caudumer Lol 402 Red | Powerline P x Debutant Red | Caudumer Lol | 1 | 89 | 88 | 86 | 85 | 86 |
Morningview RUW Berta-Red VG-87 (s. Malvoy),
dam of Beeze Judy 15 Red VG-88, EX-91 MS
Caudumer Batch P, high De-Su Battlecry son of Caudumer Lol 342 P RDC VG-87
Zandenburg Snowman Ebony 1 EX-90, granddam of Caudumer Ebony 2 VG-87