Barendonk Paulina 139 fresh; high offspring!

Barendonk Paulina 139 RDC
Barendonk Paulina 139 RDC, an Award daughter of Barendonk Holsteins, is just fresh in her second lactation and she looks very good. Paulina 139 is one of the most interesting Award daughters and she already has over 30 registered female offspring. A few of them are among the highest GNVI heifers in the Netherlands.
High offspring
The highest daughter of Paulina 139 is het Nano P daughter who is among the top 25 GNVI. This also Polled Barendonk Paulina 204 P Red scores +273 GNVI and is the #1 GNVI R&W and Polled. Her Kanu P half-sister, Barendonk Paulina 179, scores +257 GNVI and is the #1 GNVI Kanu P daughter. Barendonk Paulina 203 is a Debutant granddaughter of Paulina 139. Her dam is Barendonk Paulina 153 RF, a Chanel daughter who is projected at over 9.500 kg of milk with 3.57% protein. Paulina 203 scores +229 GNVI and has a very high +151 GRZG in Germany.
Barendonk Paulina 139 RDC VG-87
Barendonk Paulina 113 VG-89
Barendonk Paulina 106 VG-87