Poppe Holsteins - Fam. Poppe


Genomic index DEU: +136 GRZG (2024-12)

Production 1117 M 0.03%F 0.04%P 48 F 43 P 132 RZM
Health 115 RZN 114 RZS 105 RZR 112 RZGes 1509 RZ€
Type 99 KÖR 105 MTY 111 EUT 108 FUN 113 RZE

Genomic index USA: +2795 GTPI (2024-12)

Production 1429 M 0.02%F 0.06%P 59 F 60 P 795 NM
Health +4.1 PL 2.76 SCS -0.9 DPR
Type 1.32 UDC 0.90 F&L 1.18 PTAT

Genomic index NLD: +305 GNVI (2021-12; B&W)

Production 2160 M -0.15%F -0.03%P 75 F 72 P 484 INET
Health 713 LVD 104 UGH 111 CGT 101 VRU
Type 100 FR 102 RB 111 UI 99 BE 106 TOT

20 Progeny

Poppe 3STAR Gogo
s. Bender
Poppe 3STAR Gian RDC
s. Flight Red
Poppe 3STAR Gilio
s. Mahomes
Poppe 3STAR Goodcare
s. Carenzo
3STAR Poppe Gigantic
s. Gladius
3STAR Poppe Glorius
s. Gladius
3STAR Poppe Manitu
s. Manhattan
3STAR Poppe George
s. Palmer
Poppe 3STAR Magic Bull
s. Manhattan
Poppe 3STAR Grandprix
s. Manhattan
Poppe 3STAR Gitte
s. Carenzo
+308 GNVI  +141 GRZG
Poppe 3STAR Glamour
s. Gladius
+307 GNVI  +133 GRZG
3STAR Poppe Gazelle
s. Gladius
+279 GNVI  +129 GRZG
3STAR Poppe Gaelle
s. Gladius
+275 GNVI  +140 GRZG
Poppe 3STAR Gentia P RDC
s. Star P RDC
+274 GNVI  +134 GRZG
Poppe 3STAR Ginya P RDC
s. Star P RDC
+273 GNVI  +142 GRZG
Poppe 3STAR Gilana
s. Bender
+256 GNVI  +131 GRZG
3STAR Poppe Gettie
s. Manhattan
+246 GNVI  +2737 GTPI  +128 GRZG
Poppe 3STAR Gaby
s. Pantone
+222 GNVI  +134 GRZG
Poppe 3STAR Galanta P RDC
s. Star P RDC
+204 GNVI  +134 GRZG


Poppe K&L Gorgina

2.08 305d 12.106kgM 4.13%F 500kgF 3.54%P 429kgP
4.01 305d 15.207kgM 4.05%F 616kgF 3.24%P 493kgP


KHE I'm Good VG-88

2.03 305d 15.727kgM 3.82%F 601kgF 3.28%P 516kgP
4.00 305d 17.113kgM 3.99%F 684kgF 3.38%P 578kgP
5.04 305d 18.116kgM 3.53%F 639kgF 3.07%P 556kgP

Enormous production and a fantastic broodcow with many good sons and great looking and top producing daughters!


KHE Isolde VG-87

2.04 305d 9.399kgM 4.12%F 387kgF 3.42%P 321kgP
3.06 305d 11.295kgM 4.26%F 481kgF 3.33%P 376kgP
4.07 305d 13.946kgM 3.03%F 423kgF 3.26%P 455kgP


KHE Island VG-89

LA1 305d 12.282kgM 3.44%F 423kgF 3.29%P 404kgP
LA3/2 305d 12.793kgM 3.20%F 410kgF 3.18%P 407kgP
LA3 305d 13.922kgM 3.25%F 452kgF 3.15%P 439kgP

Next generations

  • KHE India VG-88 (s. Windbrook)
    Granddam of the proven bull Edlock @Masterrind
  • KHE Illinois VG-88 (s. Jeeves)
    Dam to Biathlon (s. Beacon) @ Rinder Allianz
  • Ida VG-85 (s. Goldwyn)
  • Ivonne VG-85 (s. Juror Ford)
  • Isabell VG-85 (s. Cleo)
  • Imperial VG-89 (s. Aerostar)
