Dykster Holsteins - Fam. Herder


Genomic index DEU: +135 GRZG (2024-12)

Production 597 M 0.56%F 0.27%P 84 F 49 P 144 RZM
Health 104 RZN 97 RZS 107 RZR 106 RZGes 1714 RZ€
Type 119 KÖR 111 MTY 99 EUT 94 FUN 105 RZE

Genomic index USA: +3095 GTPI (2024-12)

Production 1089 M 0.32%F 0.16%P 128 F 77 P 1002 NM
Health +3.3 PL 3.02 SCS -1.0 DPR
Type 1.02 UDC 0.50 F&L 1.72 PTAT

Genomic index NLD: +196 GNVI (2024-08; B&W)

Production 863 M 0.55%F 0.27%P 90 F 56 P 511 INET
Health 228 LVD 97 UGH 99 CGT 105 VRU
Type 104 FR 104 RB 104 UI 95 BE 101 TOT

10 Progeny

3STAR DS Michael
s. Metcalf
3STAR DS Micha
Dykster 3STAR Metilou
s. Metcalf
+335 GNVI  +3097 GTPI 
3STAR Lees Melou
s. Rimbot
+318 GNVI  +3139 GTPI 
3STAR DS Marielouise
s. Olympus
+297 GNVI  +3086 GTPI 
s. Owen
+291 GNVI  +3058 GTPI 
3STAR DS Mylou
s. Casting
+283 GNVI  +3168 GTPI 
Dykster 3STAR Marimet
s. Metcalf
+266 GNVI  +3107 GTPI 
s. Olympus
+240 GNVI  +3049 GTPI 
s. Casting
+219 GNVI  +3012 GTPI 


3STAR OH DK Marielou

2.04 305d 10.753kgM 4.68%F 503kgF 3.60%P 388kgP


3STAR OH Marina GP-83

2.03 305d 8.278kgM 4.62%F 383kgF 3.70%P 306kgP
3.02 305d 8.029kgM 5.23%F 420kgF 4.24%P 340kgP
4.01 305d 9.852kgM 4.78%F 471kgF 3.77%P 372kgP


K&L OH Mabel

2.07 305d 8.977kgM 4.83%F 434kgF 3.87%P 347kgP
3.08 305d 9.606kgM 5.02%F 482kgF 3.65%P 350kgP

Fantastic genomic transmitter with 7 sons in AI! Backed by a great French / USA cowfamily, bred sires like Rosalio & Oslo RF The dam to Mabel is a Rubicon daughter out of a Cashcoin half-sister to the popular French showcow Hermine Tual


Maybelline Tual VG-85

Lifetime: 1.740d 56.010kgM 4.77%F 2.672kgF 3.52%P 1.972kgP

High GTPI and GRZG Rubicon daughter, fresh of her 4th calf!

Next generations

  • Ilona Tual GP-84 (s. Cashcoin)
    Half-sister to Hermine Tual EX-94 (Gold Chip)
  • Francine Tual VG-86 (s. Man-O-Man)
    Dam of Hermine Tual EX-94, EX-95 MS (s. Gold Chip)
  • Aurore Tual VG-86 (s. Shottle)
    Lifetime production : 114.950 kg milk!
  • Uvel Tual GP-84 (s. Finley)
  • Brett Tanazany (s. Brett)
  • Vision-Gen Lantz Quartz-ET (s. Lantz)
