VOST Select Sale's topseller bred by Bakker & Roubos!

Lot 10 PrismaGen Guggi PP
The 10th edition of the VOST Select Sale ended with a top result. For example, the sold females achieved an average top selling price of more than € 5,700!
In addition to high genomic heifer calves, especially the fresh calved 2-yr-olds were very popular with an average price of € 5,111. The most expensive 2-yr-old was catalogue number 24 Kiwi, a snow-white King Doc with a great textured udder, which after a strong online bid-duel was sold for € 6,000 to Spain.
Lot 24 Kiwi sold for € 6.000
Top prize for a red, homozygous polled Hugo PP RDC daughter
The absolute top price of was achieved by lotno. 51 R&B Ailani PP Red, a HIN 3STAR Hugo PP RDC with 161 gRZG, 292 gNVI, 1559 gISET and 193 gISU. The KHW Goldwyn Aiko EX-91 descendant bred by Batouwe (Junior) Holsteins and Roubos Holsteins continues her way within the Dutch borders after being sold for no less than € 40,000 to a Dutch-Danish collaboration. This top amount wasn't only achieved by her all-round genomics profile, but also by a total amount of € 32,000 in embryo contracts!
Another € 23,000 was paid for the highest gTPI lot of this auction: lot 16 Danhof Lollapalooza, a Progenesis Monteverdi with 3064 gTPI (1084 NM$). The 3.5-month-old heifer was sold to a German breeder. Lot 16 was followed by KHE Infinity, a Foreman daughter with 162 gRZG from the same cow family as KHE I'm Good VG-87, brood cow behind bulls such as 3STAR Poppe Manitu, Poppe K&L Sanchez P and Poppe K&L San Remo. Sold as lot 58, the high offspring of KHE Island VG-89 brought no less than € 21,000 and will leave for a German breeding organization.
Lot 16 Danhof Lollapalooza switched owner for € 23,000
Different breeds
Not only was the sale offer filled with milking heifers and top (Red) Holsteins, but also three Brown Swiss heifers and two Jerseys were sold. In average, this unique five sold for € 3,320. Lot 4 Janneke, a pregnant Jersey sired by Casino, Lot 21 Sarai P (Visor x VG 86 Anibal) and lot 57 the fancy Victorious daughter Dynamic Velvet 5 of Dynamic Holsteins were sold to Dutch dairy farmers.
Lot 4 Janneke sold for €3.900
In total, eight animals switched owners for more than € 10,000. About a third of the collection was sold abroad, including Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Spain. The tenth edition of the VOST Select Sales was therefore a huge success! Many factors contributed to this successful event. The well prepared lots combined with international potential, the possibility to bid online, the current milkprice and the well-attended sale made this 10th edition a very successful sale for in the books!
Go to vost-select-sale.de for a total overview of the sale