Voorhof Allure 4 fresh

Voorhof Allure 4-Red has recently calved. This Elburn daughter of Voorhof Holsteins still scores +138 GRZG and looks fine. She has a Can Be bull that is sold to RUW and her Fanatic daughters have +157 and +147 GRZG.

Green-Valley Allure-Red
The dam of Allure 4 is Green-Valley Allure-Red. This Spencer daughter is bought by Voorhof Holsteins trough the K&L Selection Sale. In two lactations she produced 35.524 kg of milk with 4.35% fat and 3.85% protein in 1345 days. She is classified VG-87 as a second calver and received 89 points for her fancy udder.
Pedigree Allure-Red: Spencer x Canvas x Jesther x Cash x Etazon Annecy. If we look further in this pedigree we find Plushanski Chief Faith.

Allure-Red Daughters
Green-Valley Allure-Red looks like an excellent purchase. Her oldest daughters are doing very well. We already mentioned Allure 4-Red, a red Elburn daughter of Allure-Red. This Elburn has two full sisters, Voorhof Allure 3-RF and Voorhof Allure 5-Red. Allure 5-Red is projected over 9.000 kg of milk with 3.41% protein (LW 118+).
Voorhof Allure RC VG-85 is a Fiction daughter of Allure-Red. She is projected at over 12.000 kg of milk in her second lactation and is producing 23% above herd average and has daughters by Applejax and Can Be. Voorhof Allure 8, a Colt P daughter of Allure-Red, is just fresh and looks very good as well.

More information: Voorhof Holsteins

Green-Valley Allure-Red- VG-87, looks like a great brood cow