Very fancy VG-86 scoring polled Gywer sells!

Lot 7, HWH Eva P VG-86 (s. Gywer RDC)
From the upcoming ZT Alves Electra VG-88 family, HWH Holsteins offers a great 2-yr-old, polled Gywer RDC daughter at the Masterrind Exclusive auction, Wednesday February 23th, at 7.00 PM!
This still relatively unknown cow family has been able to consign heifers to different sales these past few years, partly due to the high indexes, great milk production and also fantastic conformation. Right now the descendants from the Electra VG-88 family are impressing in the auction ring. The high indexes brought this branch in the spotlight of sire analysts, which makes selling bulls to European AI studs also possible. For example, HWH Eva P (by Gywer RDC) already has a homozygous polled and red carrier Visstein K&L Money P RDC son at Qnetics and she is also the maternal sister of the homozygous polled HWH Himeros PP (by Wilder Hotspot P) @RBB.
The fancy uddered, early Gywer RDC freshened last November and produces 44 kgs of milk per day now! In addition Eva P is already classified VG-86 (VG-87 MS) as a two-year-old and is therefore definitely one of the highest scored Gywer RDC daughters at the moment in Germany. This strongly confirms her 127 RZE & 125 EUT (12-2021)!
Lot 7 HWH Eva P VG-86 (Gywer RDC x VG-85 Polo P RDC x VG-86 Balisto)
In the same sale catalogue we find another well-known name, namely WW Rihanna. This Progenesis Prosperous daughter was purchased by HWH Holsteins & GenHotel in 2020 during the TOP Genetik Auktion. From some sold embryos, the 163 gRZG/340 gNVI/723 gPLI/193 gISU/2836 gTPI/3452 gLPI/4943 gICO /1628 gISET scoring Raeba (A2A2) was born at Hilbers family, Germany. Raeba is sired by Beachboy and is currently the number 2 female Beachboy based on her gRZG - and she sells! Her maternal brother by Arrozo will soon leave to Masterrind.
Lot 26 Raeba (Beachboy x Prosperous x Kerrigann)