VanHolland Rochelle 6 classified with VG-88

Res. Champion VanHolland Rochelle 6 classified with VG-88 - 2yr!
Earlier this year VanHolland Rochelle 6, sired by Progenesis Kal, won the Reserve Junior Championship at the Wintershow Asten-Heusden Show. Recently she got a great classification score as a first calver!
VanHolland Rochelle 6 (s. Kal) got a fantastic score of VG-88. This score was partly due to her very fancy VG-88 MS and the maximum score of VG-89 for her fantastic frame! Rochelle 6 is the third generation with VG-88 in a row! Her granddam VanHolland Rochelle VG-88 was one of the highest tested Atwood daughters at the time. The Rochelle cow family at Van Holland comes from a deep American cow family, that of Tui Opel Ned Boy VG-89. At Van Holland the descendants from this line know to combine conformation and milk production really well. Rochelle 6 her 305-day production is namely projected at 10,345 kgs milk with 3.67% fat and 3.15% protein.
Rochelle 6 VG-88 her granddam VanHolland Rochelle VG-88 (S. Atwood)
The average total score from this classifiction day is 84.4 points for 19 females. In addition to Rochelle 6, the first calver VanHolland Sandra 104 also scored VG-87 (Kingpin x Danillo). Jotan Red daughter VanHolland Metje 110 was re-classified with VG-87/VG-89TY in her fourth lactation. This red and white beauty has already achieved 48,007 kgs milk in four lactations with 4.05%f and 3.31%p!
NAME | SIRE | DAM | COL | LAC | FR | DS | MS | FL | TOT |
Rochelle 6 | Kal | Rochelle 2 VG-88 | B | 1 | 89 | 87 | 88 | 87 | 88 |
Metje 110 | Jotan | Metje 93 VG-86 | R | 4 | 87 | 89 | 86 | 85 | 87 |
Sandra 104 | Kingpin | Sandra 104 GP-84 | B | 1 | 87 | 87 | 86 | 87 | 87 |
Roosje 116 | Epic | Roosje 106 | B | 1 | 86 | 87 | 85 | 86 | 86 |
Metje 127 | Epic | Metje 117 VG-86 | B | 1 | 87 | 88 | 87 | 85 | 86 |