Update Capnation Hero Roza P!

Diepenhoek Rozelle 54 (s. AltaIota) 3rd dam of Capnation Hero Roza P VG-85
Capnation Hero Roza P is fresh in her first lactation and recently been classified with VG-85. She's a polled Superhero x VG-86 AltaSpring. Her pedigree makes her it special when it comes to the polled breeding. Not only this mating is remarkeble, but also her genomic profile is fantastic!
Capnation Hero Roza P VG-85 (s. Superhero) is owned by the Captein family (Capnation Holstein) and her first classification is great: 85R 87DS 85MS 83FL - 85AV. She belongs to the top with her stunning genomic profile as a two year old black and white. Her gRZG is 143, with 0.32% fatt and 127 gRZE!
Also her dam, DH DG Roza P (s. AltaSpring) is classified for the second time. As a second calver she got the score 86F 90T 86U 83B - 86AV. The maternalline is belongs to the Diepenhoek Rozelle family. After all is Diepenhoek Rozelle 54 the 3rd dam of Capnation Hero Roza P.
DH DG Roza P VG-86 (s. AltaSpring), dam of Capnation Hero Roza P VG-85