Two remarkable new additions at Sudena Holsteins

The current no. 3 polled Brown Swiss in Switzerland!
The purchase of embryos from a deep Brown Swiss cow family has led for the Mensink family of Sudena Holsteins to the birth of two beautiful heifer calves from the combination Alpview Visor P Whitney x Alexey.
With only their dam being heterozygous polled, there was a 50% chance of a heterozygous polled heifer calf. It was therefore extra special that both calves Sudena Alpview Alexey P & Sudena Alpview Laura P are polled!
Alexey P & Laura P come from a Brown Swiss family that is especially well known in Germany, but is now also gaining ground in Switzerland. Foundation cow Babel's Vinozak Diva EX-95 (by Vinozak) has not once but twice won the National Show of Germany and has been used internationally as a bull dam too. Diva established a cow family that produced several successful AI bulls. The full sister of Alexey P & Laura P's third dam has also been used as a donor. Babel's Zeus Dinar EX-90 is the dam of the proven sire Glarus. Well-known bulls in Switzerland from this prominent cow family include Alpview Payssli Last Day & Alpview Dally Let's Go, sons of Alpview Glenn Lexa EX-91 (Glenn x Babel's Zeus Kaarona VG-89).
Their maternal sister Alpview Optimal Bohami P (s. Optimal) is with 1485 GZW the current no. 1 polled Brown Swiss heifer in Switzerland. With this background information the full sisters were also tested in Switzerland. A surprising outcome offers international opportunities for Sudena Alpview Laura P now that it has turned out that the Alexey daughter is with 1454 total index the current no. 3 polled Brown Swiss in Switzerland!
Sudena Alpview Laura P is co-owned with Alpview Genetics & Arjan Kort.
Foundation dam: Babel's Vinozak Diva EX-95
Granddam: Alpview Payssli Psy EX-90
Glarus & his dam Babel's Zeus Dinar EX-91