Total contract value Dykster 3TSAR Aldayna rises to €33,400!

Even before the Sonderkollektion actually starts, a few lots are already highly regarded! The high amounts written for embryo contracts emphasize the quality of this auction. Tonight at 8.00PM the Sonderkollektion will take place live and online.
In addition to the fact that since yesterday afternoon 12:00 the prices of the lots increase during the pre-bidding, several new and high valued embryo contracts have been drawn up in the last 24 hours. At the moment the highest contact value is for lot 15 Dykster 3STAR Aldayna*. This Peak Dayne daughter from the Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95 scores very high on all fronts, but especially her RZG and NTM are impressively high: 166 gRZG, 40 gNTM, 197 gISU, 2795 gTPI, 4486 gPFT, 5005 gICO, 294 gNVI, 1681 gISET and 780 gPLI!
*In the catalogue, the video and the genomics overview, Dykster 3STAR Aldayna is listed under an incorrect name, namely: Dykster 3STAR Adayna.