Topseller Sunrise Sale delivered by K&L

The topseller at Sunrisre Sale 22 was lot 1: Louisa. This +166 GRZG / +2501 GTPI / +335 GNVI Baltikum daughter is sold as an embryo by K&L to NOG. Yesterday she sold for € 17.000,- to CRV who add another K&L-bred heifer to their breedingprogram.
Bred by K&L
The dam to Louisa is Sargeant daughter K&L ST Leida 3892, bred by K&L and backed by VDP Leida 466 GP-84 (G-Force x VG-87 Mascol). Leida 3892 has a huge production index and she is projected at over 12.000 kg of milk with 3.48% protein. A few years ago CRV also invested in this cowfamily with the purchage of K&L BL Leida 2424, a Balisto half-sister to Leida 3892. More recently K&L BK Ida (Baltikum) and K&L PV Beauty (Proventus), also heifers bred by K&L, moved to CRV.
VDP Leida 466 GP-84, grootmoeder van Louisa