Top GRZG & GTPI at Wilder Holsteins

At Wilder Holsteins, established in Vreden, Germany, the Holtkamp family runs one of the most successful breeding programs in Europe. At this moment they already have over 50 heifers with +150 GRZG or higher with 6 of them scoring >160 GRZG. But the cows and heifers at Wilder Holsteins do not only have high genomics on German basis, they also own over 50 heifers with at least +2600 GTPI, including 10 over >2700 and one that scores over +2800 GTPI.
Wilder Kanu
The prefix “Wilder” is especially known via the popular Polled bull Wilder Kanu P Red, a Colt P son of Wilder Kanu 111 RDC VG-88 (Snowman x VG-89 Shottle x VG-89 Ramos). The Kanu family is still very popular and successful. One of the most important daughters of Kanu 111 RDC is her Brekem daughter Wilder K25 Red. She is looks very good and is already classified VG-86. She has sons in AI and also high testing daughters. What to think of her Battlecry daughter Wilder Konzert RDC who scores +156 GRZG / +2433 GTPI.
Wilder Kanu 111 RDC VG-88
Outside Kora
Another cow that draws sire-analysts to Vreden with her offspring is Wilder Hira VG-85, a Saloon great-granddaughter of none-other-than Batke Outside Kora EX-94 (see: 1.000 Excellent daughter for Outside). Her eldest daughters have calved and they have also high testing offspring. Just think of Wilder Hilly, a VG-86 classified Modena daughter of Hira. She has extremely high daughters with Wilder Hai (+2693 GTPI / +156 GRZG) and Wilder Hey (+2705 GTPI) as absolute eye-catchers.
Wilder Honig VG-86 is a Lineman half-sister to Hilly with high offspring sired by Afterburner, AltaSuperstar, Superhero and Euclid. The highest of them is Wilder Harriet, a +159 GRZG Euclid daughter.
Click here to visit the site of Wilder Holsteins.
Wilder Hilly VG-86, Modena x Wilder Hira
Wilder Hira VG-85