Three Kenobi daughters averaging VG-87 at Hurkmans ET!

HET Agro Gazelle VG-85 (s. Mr Rubi-Agronaut)
The classification of three De-Su Kenobi daughters bred by Hurkmans ET went very well. These milking heifers all scored easy VG, which make them averaging VG-87 points total score.
The three 2-yr-olds classified are HET Ken Cheyenne from HET Sound Chenile ET VG-86 and the full sisters HET Ken Geertje and HET Ken Gretchen, daughters of HET Agro Gazelle VG-85.
The BB & A2A2 transmitting HET Ken Cheyenne (154 gRZG/2650 gTPI) received a great score of VG-86 with VG-88 for her Frame. With this classification she is the 9th generation VG/EX in a row. Via, among others, the Belgium Roccafarm Beacon Chrissy VG-87 she descends from the superior Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93. This VG-86 Kenobi transmits her indexes very well to her progeny. Cheyenne her Gladius daughter HET Gladius Cherise is now even the no. 1 gRZG & gRZ€ + the no. 3 gNVI! Cherise was sold for € 67,000 in January at the HighlightSale 2022.
5th Dam: Larcrest Outside Champagne EX-90 (Outside x Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93)
Full sisters Geertje and Gretchen - from the Diepenhoek Rozelle family - even scored higher during the herd inspection. Ken Geertje, dam of the 159 gRZG & 346 gNVI scoring HET Vdg Rozelle 2 by Rioaveso, received the maximum score of VG-89 for her Frame and Dairy Strength. This contributed to a very fancy score of VG-87.
Ken Gretchen is projected to produce 10,628 kgsM with 4.27% fat and 3.58% protein in 305 days. She is with her super VG-88 score currently the highest classified Kenobi daughter in the Netherlands! Gretchen is even admired for her fantastic mammary, which scored a MAX VG-89. HET Twitch Gretchen 1 (Mr Farnear Helix Twitch x Gretchen VG-88) is one of the highest females by Twitch in Europe with 2906 gTPI!
6th Dam: Diepenhoek Rozelle 4 VG-87 (s. Jesther)