The Classies at Koepon Genetics!

Koepon Sprg Classy 233 VG-89/EX-91 MS and her niece are pictured!
The Classy family is really indispensable at Koepon. This branch, that traces back to Vir-Clar De Classy VG-88, has grown in recent decades into one of the most influential cow families of this dairy farm. Recently, the Classy's definitely could not be missed during the photo shoot.
Two members of the Koepon Classy family were recently photographed. Both females are descendants from Koepon Shot Classy 17 VG-85 via Koepon Snow Classy 97 VG-86. Snow Classy 97 VG-86 is still present at Koepon with her - almost - ten years old, and has already produced more than 105,000 kgs of milk. She's just fresh from her 9th calf.
Longtime 100.000 kgs production cow Koepon Snow Classy 97 VG-86 (by Snowman)
The 3.5-yr-old Koepon Band Classy 402 VG-87 / VG-89 FR & DS (s. Wa-Del Yoder Bandares) is bull dam of Koepon Showking @Swiss Genetics and Koepon Marpon @Qnetics. Her high components, super health traits, BB & A2A2 and that all in combination with her strong pedigree made her an ideal bull dam. In Germany she still scores 128EUT, 129 RZE with 119 RZN, 119 RZS and 109 RZR. Classy 402 VG-87's 305-days lactation is currently projected at 9,547 kgs milk, 4.80% fat with 3.63% protein.
Koepon Band Classy 402 VG-87
[Bandares x Rubicon x GP-84 Doorman x VG-86 Snowman]
Half-sister of Classy 402 VG-87 her dam is the fourth calver Westenrade AltaSpring daughter Koepon Sprg Classy 233 VG-89 (top page). The lifetime production of this AltaSpring is already 58,426 kgs of milk with 4.11% fat and 3.53% protein, and promises to match that of her granddam Koepon Snow Classy 97 VG-86. Of this stunning cow, there are five daughters at Koepon, of which the youngest daughter Koepon Hulk Classy 492, sired by Wilder Hulk P, scores a nice 327 gNVI.