The Cami family at fam. Van der Weij

Wilcoxview BC Cami EX-93
New at the site to fam. Van der Weij are the half-sisters J W Cavi 6 and J W Cavi 4. Cavi 6 is a +154 GRZG Damaris daughter and Cavi 4 is a +153 GRZG Franchise. Their dam is XY-Ting Cavi GP-84, a Balisto daughter out of an VG-89 Superstition out of an VG-88 Shottle of Dyks Durham Candy VG-87. The dam to this Durham daughter is Wilcoxview Rudi Cali, an EX-92 classified Rudolph daughter of Wilcoxview BC Cami EX-93 (Charles).
Nørgård XY-Ting Super Crunchy VG-89, granddam to Cavi 6 and Cavi 4