Sales News

The best of the Bons-Holsteins Ella family in your barn?!

How often do you have the chance to buy a real Bons-Holsteins Ella? The upcoming VOST Select Sale provides you this unique opportunity! 

This beautiful Blondin Thunder Storm granddaughter of Bons-Holsteins Ella 192 EX-93 (s. Seaver), the Grand Champion NRM 2019, will be offered as lot 20. This pedgiree is backed by Bons-Holsteins Ella 158 EX-94 (s. Mailing), the Grand Champion NRM 2017 and 'Cow of the Year 2020'. Unfortunately, the glittering career of this impressive Mailing daughter has recently ended. Extra special is that her great-granddaughter Ritmaster Elynn will sell now.

On Friday, November 27th during the VOST Select Sale you can purchase Lot 20 Ritmaster Elynn ET [Thunder Storm x Solomon x EX-93 Seaver] and enrich your herd with one of The Netherlands' best show ring cow families:

Ritmaster Elynn (Thunder Storm x Solomon x EX-93 Seaver x EX-94 Mailing x EX-90 Bonatus)

Sales News