Super classification at Caudumer Holsteins

Caudumer Lol 371 RDC VG-86 & VG-89 MS (s. Balisto), dam of Solitair P Red
Eleven milking 2-yr-olds with 85.1 points total score is the great result of last week's classification at Caudumer Holsteins in The Netherlands. The 6 Red Holstein heifers scored in average 84.2 (84.3 MS), the 5 Holsteins are classified VG 86.2 with 87.2 MS, a super score!
Name | Sire | Family | Col | FR | DS | MS | FL | TOT |
Rhala Daydream 39 | Loptimum | Markwell Raven | Z | 86 | 88 | 87 | 89 | 88 |
Caudumer Lol 371 RDC | Balisto | Caudumer Lol | Z | 82 | 87 | 89 | 86 | 86 |
Caudumer Anky 21 RDC | Brasil RDC | Apina Massia | Z | 86 | 82 | 88 | 85 | 86 |
Indira | Battlecry | Veneriete Ida | Z | 84 | 83 | 86 | 88 | 86 |
Caudumer Hinke 292 Red | Sunfish | Caudumer Hinke | R | 83 | 88 | 87 | 83 | 85 |
Wilder Smartie RDC | Battlecry | Apina Massia | Z | 83 | 86 | 86 | 84 | 85 |
Caudumer Lol 389 Red | Riverboy RDC | Caudumer Lol | R | 86 | 83 | 84 | 86 | 85 |
Caudumer Selina 2 Red | Akyol Red | Glenridge C Roxy | R | 89 | 86 | 84 | 84 | 85 |
Dam of Solitair P Red
Out of the Caudumer Lol family this round 2 heifers are classified, including Riverboy RDC daughter Lol 389 Red: VG-85. However the most interest was for the super uddered De-Su Balisto daughter Lol 371 RDC, the dam of the number 1 gRZG Red Holstein young sire Caudumer Solitair P Red. Lol 371 is classified with the great score of VG-86 with VG-89 for her sublime mammary system.
Highest score is this round for Rhala Daydream 39, a Loptimum out of the Markwell B-Star Raven EX-95 family, with super feet & legs: VG-88 (VG-87 MS). Also Indira, a Battlecry granddaughter of the dam of Veneriete RUW Board, exhibits a great set of feet & legs and is scored VG-86 (VG-86 MS). Caudumer Anky 21 RDC, a Brasil RDC descendant from the National Production Cow Molenkamp Anky 4 Red EX-90, is also classified VG-86 (VG-88 MS).
Rhala Mom Daydream 5 VG-88 (S. Man-Oman), 3rd dam of Daydream 39 VG-88
Veneriete Epic Ida 66 VG-88, dam of Board and granddam of Indira VG-86
Molenkamp Anky 4 Red EX-90 (s. Kylian), highest production cow in Holland in 2017!