Strong genes of Ahorn P Red are thriving!

Ahorn P Red, recently classified VG-86!
The annual VOST Select Sale guarantees a selection of interesting and valuable genetics. In 2022, during the 10th edition of this sale, Ahorn P Red (by Sandro P) was purchased by HWH Holsteins. This polled offspring of Zani Supersire Orietta VG-87 has since excelled at the Weckesser family farm in Germany.
Ahorn P Red drew attention for her impressive RZG profile, boasting 155 gRZG and excellent type traits. She descends from the Italian brood cow Zani Supersire Orietta VG-87. Her granddam, VO Aika P VG-85, is known as the dam to Grappa @VOST and Gplus GP-Atom Red @Gplus. After joining HWH Holsteins, Ahorn P Red was flushed, resulting in several high-testing polled offspring. She is currently milking well and is good for VG-86!
One of her standout offspring is HMW HWH Adele PP Red, a homozygous red daughter of Star P RDC. Adele tests at 148 gRZG with strong components, desirable health traits, and 126 gRZE. She will be offered at this year's VOST Select Sale, just like her stunning dam was two years ago. Check out her profile!
Anne VG-86 (Gywer RDC x VO Aika P VG-85)
Zani Silver Ambra VG-86 (s. Silver) 4th dam Adele PP Red