Step into the top class with Dykster 3STAR Alvera!

Sandy-Valley IO Amethyst VG-87, 5th dam
Although the SonderKollektion is still 11 days away from us, we can already inform you about the sale offer during this auction on Friday evening, February 3rd! We won't leave you waiting any longer, as you can learn about Dykster 3STAR Alvera already today.
Dykster 3STAR Alvera A2A2 is sired by the Canadian sire of sons Progenesis Monteverdi. The fact that her dam, SPH Alberta (by De-Su Legend Bali) is tested high in multiplie genomic systems and a multiple bulldam, is the cause of Alvera being tested in several countries. With 157 gRZG, 817 gPLI, 4684 gPFT, 2784 gTPI, 1725 gISET and 346 gNVI, this seven-months-old Monteverdi daughter offers a lot of international marketing potential.
Her dam SPH Alberta was the topseller at the SonderKollektion in 2020 and was sold for € 20,000 to Dykster Holsteins and GenHotel. Once she arrived in the Netherlands, she was flushed intensively for their breeding program. This resulted in 4 sons at different AI's and many impressive daughters! The offspring of Alberta is very popular, which means that several embryos of Alvera her maternal sisters have been sold to Germany and Sweden. In addition, during the HighlightSale Alvera's maternal sister Rilana was sold for € 20,000 to a German AI organization.
Alvera leads in 7 generations back to Sandy-Valley Bolt Sheila EX-92, an influential descendant of Snow-N-Denises Dellia EX-95. In addition to Alvera's maternal-brothers, this line bred many AI bulls, as well as globally renown proven sires, such as Regancrest Elton Durham, Sandy-Valley Saloon, Regancrest AltaIota and EDG Rubicon. With excellent fat and protein, high health traits, good fertility scores and an excellent amount of milk, Dykster 3STAR Alvera offers all ingredients to grow into the next generation bulldam!
To learn more about lot 32 Dykster 3STAR Alvera, click here.
Dykster 3STAR Gladitore @Xenética Fontao (Gladius x SPH Alberta)
Sandy-Valley Mogul Amber VG-88 (Mogul x Sandy-Valley IO Amethyst VG-87)