Southland Dem Dellia 92 is the highest classified Dempsey in the Netherlands

Dellia 92 is classified EX-93!
The five-year-old Lirr Drew Dempsey-daughter of Southland Holsteins already had a score of EX-92 in her third lactation, but there was still room left for more!
Southland Dem Dellia 92 (s. Dempsey) has undergone a huge development in openness, spring and depth of the ribs after getting her fourth calf, while maintaining her amazing, wide attached udder. All the more reason for Jeroen and Debbie van Beek to classify her again. The 5-year-old Demspey from the fantastic breeding Southland Dellia family was then inspected with: 94FR 95DS 93MS 90FL EX-93.
Dellia 92 EX-93 has two daughters; a Mr Brash in first lactation, Southland Brash Dellia 14 VG-86/87MS, and the two-and-a-half months old Southland High Dellia (by Stantons High Octane).
She soon will be flushed with semen of Woodcrest King Doc. Please contact Soutland Holsteins for more information.
Southland Dem Dellia 92 classified with EX-93/95DS! (Photo: Van Beek)