Site Caudumer Holsteins up-to-date again

Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX
The site of Caudumer Holsteins is adjusted. A few of the famous older cows are moved to their “Proud to have Bred” section and are replaced by daughters and/or granddaughters on the “Donors” page.
Red(carrier) & Polled
A relative new cowfamily at Caudumer Holsteins is the Eladie family that hails back at none-other-than Rainyridge Tony Beauty. Tony Beauty is an awesome brood- and showcow. She was named Grand Champion of the World Dairy Expo in Madision at 14-years of age. She is the 7th dam - via daughters sired by Prelude, Starleader, Shottle, Mr Burns RC, Gerard and Ladd P - of Caudumer Eladie 1 P Red. This Exploding Star daughter is recently fresh and still scores +145 GRZG and +309 GNVI. She also offers high type (+143 RZE / +112 Ext.) as would have expected from this family.
Her 3 Mission P daughters are among the most interesting Polled heifers in Europe. The highest of the mis Caudumer Eladie 2 P RDC a +307 GNVI / +157 GRZG. Full sister Caudumer Eladie 1 PP RDC scores +287 GNVI / +152 GRZG and she is Homozygote Polled. And then we have the Red Caudumer Eladie 3 P Red. She scores +266 GNVI / +152 GRZG on R&W basis.
Rainyridge Gerard Enemy RC VG-85