RZN & HaS heifers at Sunrise Sale

At the 24th Sunrise Sale, being held this week Friday March 29th in Karow, Germany, 3 heifers from GenHotel members RZN (Nöhl) and Hof am Sylvert (Röhrden) will sell:
► Lot 9. HaS Sundance, a Benz daughter with 158 gRZG, 2589 gTPI and 3309 gLPI. Her dam is De-Su Penley daughter Sunrise, with € 36.000,- the sale topper at the Sunrise Sale 2016. Sundance is bred by Hof am Sylvert, descending from the renown US Tidy-Brook Elton Steph VG-86 cow family and also A2A2 & BB.
► Lot 33. Blondin RZN Jordy Allegra RDC, a red carrier granddaughter of the All-Canadian cow Ms Goldwyn Alana EX-96 (EX-97 MS), the Reserve Grand Champion at the Royal Winter Fair 2015 in Toronto.
► Lot 39. RZN Jordy Abigail RDC, a fancy Jordy-Red also from the famous All-American Kingstead Chief Adeen EX-94 family. With +3.65 gPTAT Abigail RDC, consigned by RZN Holsteins, belongs to the highest Jordy-Red daughters for type.
Click HERE for the Sunrise Sale catalogue (PDF) and update of genomics & contracts.
Santamaria (s. Boss), full sister of the granddam of HaS Sundance (lot 9)
MS Goldwyn Alana EX-96, EX-97 MS, granddam of Jordy Allegra RDC (lot 33)
BVK Atwood Arianna EX-94, 3rd dam of RZN Jordy Abigail RDC (lot 39)