Return on investmend with EP

Wilder Kalibra RDC VG-86, dam of several actual GenHotel Embryoprogram donors
A lot of dairy farmers have a passion for breeding. Selection of the best females & males and making the right matings to improve the next generation is for many breeding enthusiasts more than a hobby. Increasing the genetic potential of your herd requires a lot of time and often also quite some money, however can be an investment that will deliver great return in time.
Sietze Henk Haytema of Caudumer Holsteins in The Netherlands is active in breeding for a long time and reaps the benefits now. In the past he has, as a GenHotel member, invested in several great cow families and is selling through GenHotel now regularly bulls to international AI-studs and embryos to buyers all over Europe. For the outstanding breeding results the Haytema family is honoured recently as Red Holstein Breeder of the Year 2018.
Click here for the (dutch) report of Haytema in the Nieuwe Oogst magazine :
"50 procent of total income from breeding".
Do you want, just like the Haytema family, more income from your herd and return on your breeding investments? Through the GenHotel EmbryoProgram you can acquire for a relatively low investment and attractive conditions top genetics in your herd. You can contact Boudewijn Koole (+31 6 54796318, e-mail: for more information.
Click HERE for information about the GenHotel Embryoprogram.
Examples of donors of the GenHotel Embryoprogram :
Schuit K&L RM Britt P Red (s. Mega-Watt RDC)
De Oosterhof Dg Rose RDC VG-87 (s. Rubicon)
K&L Ms Lolita P (s. Mission P RDC), polled donor
K&L RM Marica Red VG-87 (s. Sunfish RDC)
Willsbro K&L Nugget Aderyn RDC VG-85 (v. Nugget RDC)