Red Rocks Massia 76-Red pictured

Red Rocks Massia 76
Yesterday the very succesfull bulldam Red Rocks Massia 76 VG-86 has been pictured(result below)! Red Rocks Massia 76 does not have many progeny yet, but she didn't need many to perform well!
Two Aikman sons from Massia 76 heve been selected for AI-station. The first one was Action-Red, now owned by RUW in Germany. Red Rocks Action-Red has an extermey high gRZG of 160, which makes him the No. 3 bull. He will be a sire of sons for several Ai's! His full brother was selected by Genus/ABS!
The full sister to these high bulls is Red Rocks Massia 100-Red, she was the No. 1 gNVI heifer in Holland in august. She also has a very high RZG and is contracted by several AI's for embryos. She will be flushed soon to fill these contracts!
At Red Rocks Holsteins (Family Wesselink) there is a nice competition between cowfamilies. In the top 5 Red bulls are two bulls bred by Red Rocks! Besides Action-Red you will find Effort-Red (gRZG 159) as well, a great bull out of the Bonhill Warsi cowfamily!
Red Rocks Massia 76