Red & Polled Exploding Star from Tony Beauty family

Rainyridge Tony Beauty, broodcow behind Eladie 1 P Red
At the site to Caudumer Holsteins you will now find Caudumer Eladie 1 P Red. She is a very high RED & POLLED Exploding Star daughter scoring +155 GRZG and +274 GNVI. Her dam is a Ladd P daughter out of a VG-85 Gerard of the EX-92 Mr Burns daughter Rainyridge Mr Burns Eara. This pedigree goes all the way back at the legendary Rainyridge Tony Beauty, Grand Champion at the World Dairy Expo in 1999 as a 14-year old.
Superior type
Caudumer Eladie 1 P Red is a very special heifer for R&W breeding. She is Polled and has an outcross pedigree. On German basis she combines high % protein, longevity, fertility (+134 RZR) and superior type (+147 RZE).
Rainyridge Gerard Enemy RC VG-85, granddam to Eladie 1 P Red
Rainyridge Mr Burns Eara EX-92, great-granddam to Eladie 1 P Red