Genomics News

Proofs USA (females)

The new GTPI's from the European females are added to the "GENOMICS" page. At this page you will find the top 100 and the top 50 (new).

Name pedigree GTPI owner
TGD-HOLTSEIN JEDI CARRYSMA-ET Jedi x Supershot 2900 Peak-Alta
DE VOLMER SABINE-ET Jedi x Kingboy 2900 De Volmer Holsteins
CNN DELTA HOPE Delta x Supersire 2847 Peak-Alta, Koepon Genetics
GALIVERTA MODESTY PERLA Modesty x Mikkel 2835 Galiverta Holsteins
SHAVINGTON PLEASURE Jedi x Supersire 2833 Shavington Holsteins
PONDEROSA JEDI PROMISE Jedi x Jacey 2831 Ponderose Holsteins
WILDER FUN Jedi x Silver 2829 Wilder Holsteins
CROSFEEL RUBICON MELLA-ET Rubicon x Supersire 2826 Progenesis
EBA MARTHA IHG Montana x Halogen 2822 Eba Holsteins
A-L-H DELTA HELANIA Delta x Supersire 2816 Primeval Genetics
PEAK SOPHIA-ET Monterey x Supersire 2814 Peak-Alta, Koepon Genetics
KNS GARDEN Jedi x Mardi Gras 2814 Genesland & European Livestock Service
Genomics News