Genomics News

Proofs Italy

The highest genomic bull in Italy is Go-Farm Seventyfive at 3781 GPFT. The Loptimum son is followed by Go-Farm Inseme Betancur (+3696 GPFT; Bombero) and Gerioni Royal VanHalen (+3691 GPFT; Montross). Heidenskipster Selleck (+3538 GPFT; Cashcoin) and FWS Plumbeo (+3525 GPFT; President) also have an GPFT of over +3500.

Proven bulls

The new #1 proven bull in Italy is Libu Inseme Attila. This Man O Man sons moves up 200 points and scores +2896 PFT. Amighetti Magnifico, a full brother to Numero Uno, stays in second at +2860 PFT. The top 5 is completed by Royal Jeev. Scolari (+2838 PFT; Jeeves), Trione Inseme Calif (+2645 PFT; Gerard) and Alfrag Royal MOM Bellini (+2643 PFT; Man O Man).

Proofs Italy / Fokwaarden Italië (april 2016)

More info: Anafi

Genomics News