Proofs Germany (R&W)

Proofs Germany
The German list with proven R&W bulls is headed by Dukefarm Morris with +139 RZG. Morris is a Fidelity son from a Spencer daughter of Dukefarm Duplex Malexa VG-89 (Duplex x VG-89 Stadel x Apina Massia 20 VG-89). He is followed by Fodulo (+133 RZG), Amor Red (+133 RZG), Lasse P (+132 RZG) and Malden (+132 RZG).
In the top 10 we also find Dertour (+130 RZG; Destry x Morningview RUW Berta-Red) bred by Beeze Holsteins and Detroit (+130 RZG; Destry x Apina Massia 102 RDC) bred by Flevo Genetics. A little further in the list we find Dixieland (+128 RZG). A full brother to Detroit. The #22 is Findus (+125 RZG), a Fiction out of Molenkamp Grietje 58 and bred by Molenkamp Holsteins.
Schreur Apoll P is, as expected, the #1 genomic R&W bull in Germany. He is an Aikman son of Verhages Bos Candlelight P Red and scores +164 GRZG. Apoll P is bred by Schreur Holsteins. The numbers 2, 3 and 4 are from the Massia dynasty and two hail from the same maternal line as Detroit and Dixieland. The #2 is Fireman (+157 GRZG), a Fageno son from a German Snowman daughter of Apina Massia 102. A full sister tot this Snowman, Sanderij Massia Sneeuwwitje, is the dam of the #4 Payback (+154 GRZG; s. Perfect Aiko). Just between these two bull we find Red Rocks Action. Action is an Aikman son of Red Rocks Massia 76 Red and is bred by Red Rocks Holsteins. Red Rocks also bred the former number 1 and current #6; Effort (Ellmau x Bonhill Warsi 124 RDC).