Proofs Germany (B&W and R&W)

Proofs Germany (B&W)
As usual is Germany the first countries with new proofs available. Two bulls scoring +163 GRZG top the list with (genomic) bulls. The American Ghust son S-S-I Gust 8828 N952-E and the German Balisto son Barcley. The popular Polled Missouri son Mission P is, together with Damaris (Sterling) and Finder (Balisto), the number 3 scoring +162 GRZG.
Daughter proven
The new #1 with milking German daughters is Bookem son Big Points (+156 RZG). He is followed by half-brother Boom (+148 RZG).
The Interbull list is headed by Snowman son Mayflower with +161 RZG. He is followed by the Bookem sons Bob 5170 (+160 RZG), Balisto (+159 RZG), Emulate (+156 RZG) and Rookie (+156 RZG).
Proofs Germany (R&W)
The highest R&W (genomic) bull on German basis is Debutant son Dreamboy scoring +156 GRZG. Dreamboy has a “dream-pedigree” as his pedigree goes through daughters by Sympatico and Talent back at non-other-than KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96. The #2 is Afraim, a +155 GRZG Effort son of Voorhof Allure 2-Red owned by Colonia Cows. Allure 2 is an Elburn out of the very successful Spencer daughter Green-Valley Allure-Red VG-87 from Voorhof Holsteins.
#3 is the American Sympatico son Pad-Red (+154 GRZG). He is followed by 4 bulls scoring +153 GRZG; Great (Go Now RF), Sunset Red (Sunfish RF), Magic (Whatsapp) and Tiger Red (Gain).
Former #1 Schreur Apoll P, bred by Schreur Holsteins, is still the #10 scoring +152 GRZG.
Daughter proven
The new R&W leader is Red Mist (+144 RZG). This Elburn son is bred by Poppe Holsteins and hails out of Spencer daughter Poppe Pietje 519-Red. At Poppe Holsteins you will find a lot of interesting offspring from this family that goes all the way back at Huyben Pietje 514 VG-87, the Tulip dam to Tequila and Red Tumult.
#2 is Dukefarm Morris bred by Dukefarm Holsteins. This Fidelity son scores +142 RZG. The #3, and also the highest bull with over 500 daughters, is Andy son Julandy. Julandy is bred by Werler Holsteins and his dam is a Moonlight daughter out of the great broodcow Julia 382 EX-92 (Stadel).
Proofs Germany / Fokwaarden Duitsland (august 2016)
- RZG B&W (national - proven)
- RZG R&W (national - proven)
- RZG B&W (national - proven - high reliable)
- RZG R&W (national - proven - high reliable)
- RZG B&W (interbull - proven)
- RZG R&W (interbull - proven)
- GRZG B&W (national - genomic)
- GRZG R&W (national - genomic)
- GRZG B&W (interbull - genomic)
- GRZG R&W (interbull - genomic)
More info: VIT
Poppe Red Mist (Elburn x Poppe Pietje 519-Red), the new #1 daughter proven bull in Germany