Polled time at Visstein!
Two Polled animals are recently pictured at Visstein Holsteins. These two animals are the black and white WWS Penny RC P and the red and white Visstein Akim P Red. Both animals have very nice genomics and are among the top Polled animals.
WWS Penny RF P
Polled, Lawn Boy free, red carrier, great family and also a very high GTPI. WWS Penny RC P has it all! She scores +2083 GTPI and belongs to the top Polled animals world wide. Her dam is Golden-Oaks MT Prize-Red, a Mitey P daughter of Golden-Oaks Perk Rae-Red EX-90. Perk Rae stems out of Scientific Beauty Rae EX-90, a STBVQ Rubens daughter out of Scientific Jubilant Rae EX-90. This Jubilant daughter is also the dam of the very popular Durham daughter Scientific Debutante Rae RC EX-92.
WWS Penny RC P (Epic x Mitey P x Golden-Oaks Perk Rae-Red EX-90)
Golden-Oaks Perk Rae-Red EX-90 (Perk-Red x EX-90 x EX-90 x EX-96 x EX-94 x EX-90 x EX-97)
Visstein Akim P Red
Visstein Akim P Red hails also from a well-known family. A family that left a lot of good offspring in the Visstein herd. The dam of Ladd P daughter Akim P Red is a very powerful and easy producing Zabing daughter out of high milking Canvas. Behind the Canvas we find a Ronald daughter of Holim Heidi VG-87.
This family bred a lot of popular bulldams and breeding bulls in the past and still is going strong. Akim P Red is one of the most interesting animals of this family at the moment. With +1937 GTPI she is among the highest red and Polled animals for GTPI in Europe. She will be flushed soon.
Visstein Akim P Red (Ladd P-Red x VG-85 Zabing x Visstein Grace VG-85)
More information: Visstein Holsteins