Polled at HWH Holsteins

De-Su Oman 6121 VG-86
At HWH Holsteins you can find two very interesting Polled heifers from two superior US cowfamilies. Those two heifers are De-Su Air Georgiastyle P and COL Caroline PP with last mentioned being homozygous Polled!
De-Su Air Georgiastyle P
De-Su Air Georgiastyle P is a Style P daughter and her pedigree goes by daughters of O Daddy, Robust and Shottle back at De-Su Oman 6121 VG-86, the O Man dam to Observer.
Georgiastyle shows an extremely high production and good health traits. Partly due to this combination she scores +147 GRZG and +2229 GTPI.
COL Caroline PP
COL Caroline PP is homozygous Polled. She is sired by Zumba P and her dam is an Earnhardt P daughter out of the great broodcow Drouner AJDH Cosmo VG-87 from Colonia Cows. Cosmo is a Freddie daughter of Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87 and her daughters and granddaughters are among the top GTPI in Europe.
Caroline PP scores +149 GRZG and +2281 GTPI. With her genomic breeding values and pedigree she is one of the most popular Polled heifers in Europe.
Drouner AJDH Cosmo VG-87, granddam to COL Caroline PP