Plataan Frida 1 passed away

Plataan Frida 1 VG-89
At Plataan Holsteins they had to say goodbye to Plataan Frida 1. This high producing and fancy Mascol daughter – she produced 82.381 kg of milk with 3.75% protein in 5 long lactations and is classified VG-89 – turned out to be a great broodcow for Plataan Holsteins.
Almost all daughters of Frida 1 where great cows and it did not matter which sire they had. She had over 50 female offspring from whom some still are active in the herd of Plataan Holsteins. We have writing about the capabilities of Frida 1 several times on GenHotel (see “Great broodcow: Plataan Frida 1” and "Lauthority x Plataan Frida 1: Golden Cross").
An early combination with Cricket and Frida 1 worked really well. From the 4 cows that where born from this combination, are 3 still present at Plataan Holsteins. The eldest of them is Plataan F 7465 VG-87. Her lifetime total is 51.575 kg of milk with 3.63% protein and her most interesting daughter is Plataan F 7630, a VG-86 classified Galaxy.
Another Cricket daughter of Frida 1 is Plataan F 7468. She is classified VG-88 in her current 5th lactation and her lifetime total is 48.520 kg of milk.
The most successful Cricket daughter of Frida 1 is Plataan Frida 7 VG-86. Her lifetime total is 54.227 kg of milk with 3.42% protein and she is projected at almost 16.000 kg of milk with 3.39% protein in her current 4th lactation.
Frida 7 also has several great performing daughters. Her most valuable daughters is with no doubt Plataan F 7635. This Paradise daughter is classified VG-88 as a 2-Yr Old and she has several high testing daughters including Plataan F 7763 (+334 GNVI Blossom), Plataan F 7739 (+325 GNVI / +145 GRZG Amigo), Plataan F 2119 (+316 GNVI AltaGenuity) and Plataan F 7767 (+294 GNVI Supershot).
Plataan F 7706 is a Silver daughter of Frida 7. She is one of the first milking Silver daughters in the Netherlands and is producing over 40 kg milk / day. She has daughters sired by Octoberfest and Brewmaster.
Plataan F 7635 VG-88, Paradise x VG-86 Cricket x Plataan Frida 1 VG-89
Plataan F 7706, Silver x VG-86 Cricket x Plataan Frida 1 VG-89
Mammary system Plataan F 7706