Pentagon K&L Pokemon Clun #1 in Spain

VDP Leida 466, granddam to Clun
The new number 1 GICO bull in Spain is Pentagon K&L Pokemon Clun. He scores an incredible +4952 GICO. Pokemon Clun is a Jetset son and by far the highest genomic bull in Spain. He is after K&L CV Clever (Chevalier x Koepon Oak Classy 4672) and K&L BC Snake II Batery (Battlecry x Newhouse K&L Sneeker 6960) the 3rd consecutive bull from K&L's breedingprogram that ranks #1 in Spain!
The granddam to Clun is VDP Leida 466 GP-84, a G-Force daughter bought by K&L from Melkveebedrijf het Ommerkanaal owned by Mts. Petter-Aufderhaar. Leida 466 has several high testing daughters including K&L ST Leida 3892 GP-83, the Sargeant dam to Clun. Leida 3892 produced over 12.500 kg of milk with 3.35% protein in her first lactation. She has female offspring sired by Jetset, Baltikum and Milford-P. One of her Baltikum daughters was the topseller at the Sunrise Sale.
K&L Embryoprogram
Pokemon Clun is breed by Mts. Kok and K&L. Has an embryo he is sold to Mts. Kok. This result is another success for K&L’s Embryoprogram. Via the K&L Embryoprogram breeder can get 50% ownership of topgenetics under very interesting conditions. Interested? Please contact Boudewijn Koole for more information.