PBCD FD Sina strikes again!

PBCD FD Sina, owned by HWH Holsteins and K&L, is a genomic giant. She now has 2 sons in the top 10 GRZG in Germany. Her Beauty son, Background, turns out to be the #1 genomic bull in Germany. Background scores +160 GRZG and has a fantastic profile. He combines a high production (with a lot of kg fat and protein), very good type (+127 RZE) and excellent health traits (+131 RZN, +129 RZS en +115 RZR). Sina has also a high Snowmaster son; Sinus. Sinus scores +156 GRZG and is the current #7 genomic bull in Germany.

#1 GRZG Freddie
Sina is a fantastic heifer and she still scores +149 GRZG (#1 Freddie) and +2193 GTPI. She is producing very well and is classified VG-87. Sina hails from the Ricecrest Southwind Kay VG-87 family. Her pedigree: Freddie x VG-88 Shottle x VG-87 Blitz x VG-88 Bellwood (grootmoeder van Bolton) x Ricecrest Southwind Kay.
Sina her Beauty daughter, a full sister to Background, is sold for € 15.000,- at the Hessens Zukunft 2014. Her Predestine daughter, K&L HWH PD Sina, scores +155 GRZG and she is the #1 Predestine daughter.

Sina is a heavenly contracted cow and she is on a flush program. Embryos might be available through the K&L Embryoprogram. Please contact K&L for more information.

PBCD FD Sina VG-87, de #1 GRZG Freddie dochter