Genomics News

Padkear Epic Julia breeds very well!

Padkaer Epic Julia was bought by Netherside Holsteins and Dukefarm at the K&L Selection Sale. She was flushed with Balisto. Julia her Balisto has a very high index, over 2500 GTPI and he has an extremely high Canadean proof with +3537 GLPI! Furthermore he tops in Italy (+3353 GPFT) and Germany (+160 RZG) as well! This bull has been sold to Semex by K&L.

Julia her Balisto is real high as well: She has gRZG 159 and is heavily contracted for embryso and bulls!

Padkaer Epic Julia, sired by Epic (who proofs to be a great bull with his milking daughters) out of a VG-89 Man O Man x Goldwyn x Jocko (the well known Jelykoe). Epic Julia is fresh herslef and looks good. She still has  a high US index (gTPI +2284). She is one of the highest milking heifers on TPI in Europe!

Padkaer Epic Julia (Epic x Man O Man)

Julie VG-89, dam of Padkaer Epic Julia

Cas Jameika VG-86, grand dam of Padkaer Epic Julia


Genomics News