Number 1 RZEuro Altatop at Selecton Sale!

Batouwe Salsa Aiko Red VG-85
This magnificent lot 1. R&B Aivy-Red could be yours! This GenHotel Selection Sale offers you the global number 1 RZEuro AltaTop daughter from the well-known Kamps-Hollow Durham Altitude RDC EX-95 family.
Lot 1 is a special offer this time! R&B Aivy-Red is the icing on the cake. Not only is she the highest RZ€ Altatop daughter with 2753 RZ€, but her 161 RZG does also impress! With this high RZG she is the number 3 AltaTop-Red daughter and by far the highest of 3 full sisters. Through her granddam Batouwe Salsa Aiko Red VG-85 Aivy-Red descends from big names like KHW Goldwyn Aiko RC EX-91 and D-R-A August EX-96, and is from the same family as proven sires like Jotan-Red, Advent-Red, Acme RDC and Diamondback RDC!
Aivy-Red also stands out with her 145 RZM, 128 RZN and 127 EUT!
Strike now, otherwise might be sold to somebody else! Lot 1. R&B Aivy-Red.
Lot 1 Aivy-Red
A-L-H Australia RDC VG-87, great-granddam lot 1