General News

NRP Alisha RDC classified

NRP Alisha RDC of NRP Holsteins is recently classified VG-85 VG-86-MS. Alisha RDC is a Red Carrier Rubicon daughter and her dam is A-L-H Australia RDC, a VG-87 Supersire granddaughter of KHW Goldwyn Aiko RC DEX-91 (Goldwyn x Kamps-Hollow Durham Altitude EX-95).
Alisha RDC is flushed several times as a heifer due to her pedigree and high genomics. She has several interesting daughters at NRP Holsteins. For example, NRP Surprisingly Red, a +2549 GTPI / +145 GRZG Salvatore daughter.

German Selection Sale

Another Salvatore daughter of Alisha RDC sells in the German Selection Sale. Batouwe Ailisha Salva Red sells as lot 65. She offers +321 GNVI / +2575 GTPI / +154 GRZG and she combines a high production and very good health traits.

General News