Not one, but two Adeens!
Flora Atwood Adeena VG-87 dam lot 3
A one-time offer, because you can bring in not one but even two offspring of multiple All-American Kingstead Chief Adeen EX-94!
Kingstead Chief Adeen EX-94 is perhaps the world's most famous Holstein cow. Many popular sires such as Atwood, Golden Dreams, Amazing, Attic, Atlantic, Delete, Aftershock and Archrival descend from this line. This successful cow family was and is highly recommended!
You can become the owner of your own Adeen too. During the De Dorre Selection Sale you have the opportunity to buy Lot 3. De Dorre Jacoby Adeena [Jacoby x VG-87 Atwood x VG-87 Shottle x VG-89 Champion]. Extra special is that with this offer you add not one but even two Adeens to your herd, because Jacoby Adeena is pregnant with sexed Lindenright Moovin RDC!
Sherona-Hill Champ Angel VG-89 (s. Champion) 4th dam lot 3
Bolleholster Anya 2 VG-87 (Sanchez x Anya VG-87)